Throw off Pornography (Part 17)

The following is an excerpt from, “Throw off Pornography”, the 4th book in the “Lord of My Life” series. You can download the complete book for free through Amazon Kindle, Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. You can also order the paperback version through the Amazon bookstore. Find direct links for all of these at under the store tab. Visit every week and receive weekly excerpts January through April of 2024.


Believe me, I know. Porn addiction is no joke. It is a habitual sin that easily ensnares and is difficult to escape. It is unassuming, devastating and affects much more than what is tangible. Though you can hide it for years from your friends and family, it slowly rots the soul and puts a wedge between us and God. It is a force like no other. If you decided to pick up this book, I don’t have to tell you how strong a hold it can have on someone and the devastation it can cause. There are several books and podcasts from highly respected doctors and authors who have varying opinions on solutions for freedom. But, if you are a follower of Christ, you have the best weapon to cut yourself free and you have the best incentive to remain free. The Holy Spirit is more powerful than any of us know this side of heaven. Many believers have either ignored that he exists or have put him in a box as if his power has limits. But in truth, if we allow him to do what he came to do, he can set us free from anything. Those who don’t know Jesus do not have that advantage. They have to rely on advice and willpower alone. We have something more. Much more! Do not minimize the power of the Holy Spirit in your journey towards freedom. He is not just a key ingredient towards success, he is the ultimate driver of our success. He is real and we have full access to him. Faith is essential. So, I encourage you to build your faith. Read the word of God. Learn about the Holy Spirit and his power. Ask him to do his work in your life. If we only recognize two parts of the trinity, we hamstring ourselves and remain ignorant of the fullness of God. Get to know him. Lean into him. Trust him. He is the source for ultimate victory.

Also, our hope for heaven is our ultimate incentive. Sure, there are earthly incentives that drive us toward freedom like family, friends, work, a healthy mind, etc. But those are all temporary. When we die and meet God face to face, we will have to give an account for our lives. We will want to hear those all-important words from him, “well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). While on earth, mature believers plan for eternity. We make every effort to store up treasures in heaven, not treasures on earth (Matthew 6:20). We play the long game where pleasing God is all that matters. Pleasing God is difficult to do while we are ensnared with habitual sin. So, for us, freedom is a prize that is highly sought after. It will not only improve life on earth, but it will help to lay the groundwork for an improved eternal life.

Becoming ensnared by pornography and masturbation presents an incredible struggle that for some of us has lasted most of our adult lives. I know, firsthand, how difficult it is to find freedom. I was first introduced to pornography when I was about 10 years old. My best friend’s father was addicted to it and my friend found his private stash. Back then, pornography only came in the form of magazines. He had boxes upon boxes of them. I wasn’t hooked initially. I was just curious. There was something about it that held my attention. Maybe it was the simple thrill of seeing something that I wasn’t supposed to see. Though it was intriguing it didn’t have its hooks in me at that point. I could still put it down without having it dominate my thoughts. But, over time, my curiosity grew. One day, my friend gave me a few magazines as a gift. That was a turning point. Almost immediately I began to experiment with masturbation. The day I chose to mix the deadly cocktail of pornography and masturbation was the day I fully opened the door for Satan to gain a foothold. Like a drug, curiosity turned into pleasure. Pleasure turned into an addiction. From that point on I would seek it out, I would hide it and I’d habitually use it. Over the years there were varying degrees of use, but it was always with me. I would always long for it. I invited it into my life and into my mind. Without knowing it, it began to rewire my brain. It began to wash my mind with thoughts and images that once seen couldn’t be unseen. I started building a mental collection of my favorite images that I could conjure at will, even without a magazine in my hand. Over time I wanted more, I wanted variety, and I wanted images that were more shocking than the last.

I was a believer in Jesus since I was a child. I remember singing in front of my church congregation when I was 5. It was my first solo, so it was hard to forget. I was taught about Jesus my entire life. My mother made sure we knew the Bible and that we valued a relationship with Jesus. Even though I didn’t fully understand what that meant my feet were placed on a solid foundation. I knew that I would never turn away from Jesus. I was in it for the long haul. But addiction to pornography and dedication to Jesus didn’t mix. Even at the beginning I knew pornography was wrong, but it took a while before I accepted it as sin. But there was no denying the truth. Embracing pornography is sin. As I grew in the faith, I accepted the truth. I had invited this force into my life. It had attached itself to my soul and had influenced every thought I had about the opposite sex and every dating relationship I had from then on. Months of use turned into years. Years turned into decades. Pornography became a common fixture in my life. It had become “normal”, a guilty pleasure. Over time, different ways of consuming pornography were available and using it became more anonymous. The more the technology advanced the easier it was to keep my sin life a secret. To make matters worse, over time, access to pornography would be free and immediately accessible. There was almost nothing standing in the way of giving pornography and masturbation full access to my soul virtually any time I felt the desire. Several times I’d try to distance myself from it but like a dog to vomit I’d always return. I rode the rollercoaster of sin and repentance more times than I can count. During particularly challenging church services I’d go up for the altar call and allow the elders to pray over me. I wanted to be free, but inevitably, I’d return to porn.

Pornography didn’t stop me from attempting to do the work of the Lord. While at college, God radically changed my heart. I rededicated my life and took several meaningful steps toward a life of spiritual purpose. I volunteered for service in church outreaches, I participated in and led several mission trips, I served on several church and non-profit boards, and I started a Christian non-profit video production company. In a relatively short period of time, I was lit on fire for Christ. It was the best opportunity for me to find freedom from pornography, but my efforts fell short. Many of my college friends were not believers. Their liberal influence coupled with my porn addiction made it difficult for me to break free. Time after time I took steps toward freedom. Some attempts were feeble and some more serious. But all eventually ended in failure. Almost 40 years struggling with the shame of habitual sin only to see the shackles still firmly in place was a devastating reality. I’d pray. I’d fast. I’d repent. I’d sin.  

Then one day, it happened. There wasn’t a specific catalyst or pivotal moment that was taking place in my life when I decided that ultimate freedom was my goal. No voice from God, no hitting rock bottom, no life changing incident. Just one of my many attempts found a greater level of success. What made that attempt any different? As I reflect, I really think it was the prospect of the 90 Day Challenge. I’d never considered anything like it before. I thought freedom from pornography was always an all or nothing proposition, that if done correctly, the first day of separation from pornography was just as important as the 30th. Quitting “cold turkey” was always a must, but it didn’t take a psychologist to know that abstaining from pornography for one day is very different than abstaining for 30 (and in this case 90). Having a time frame made the attempt seem possible. Without a time frame, there was no “end”. And with pornography remaining such a formidable addiction, having a struggle with no end was nearly impossible to contemplate. With all my previous efforts, a part of me always knew I’d fail because I didn’t believe I could abstain from porn in perpetuity. But 90 days, though hard, seemed possible. From my past efforts I knew how important it was to press into God during the attempt. For me, it was incredibly naive to think I could succeed without any help from the Holy Spirit. On the contrary, I knew that his help was essential. So, I combined all that I’d learned from my past attempts with what I’d learned throughout my spiritual growth and dug my heels in. I was determined to make it to 90 days. At the end of 90 days, I’d take stock of what God had done. I’d evaluate how thorough he had washed my mind. I’d consider how well he’d rewired my brain. 90 days? I knew that if I really tried, I could do that. So, I did.

Today, my story is still being written. At the time of this writing, I’m still on the road to success. I long for the day when I have not only mastered my sin, but that I prefer obedience because I know that once that happens, the struggle will be over. I wholeheartedly believe that day will come. I know that any level of success I’ve achieved does not make me special. I don’t have an enhanced connection with the Holy Spirit. I don’t have a doctorate in Bible theology. And I’ve had enough failed attempts that would embarrass any believer. But I know what worked for me, and what is still working. And by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I chose to write this book. It is my sincere hope that what I’ve written may help you in your journey. I know that the very process of writing it has helped me. For most of us, freedom from habitual sin is a long hard journey. It has its easy days and its challenging days, but unfortunately there is no room for mistake. The road to success is like a house of cards. One slip and all that you’ve worked for comes crashing down. In your journey, know that you are not alone. Even if, like me, you were too proud to let anyone know about your struggle, you are still not alone. The Holy Spirit is always with you and wants to see you succeed. He will help you along the way by giving you strength when you are weak and a way out when you feel trapped. Please, take advantage of his help and his presence. He is the key to success.

Along with the Holy Spirit, I am also here to help. Whatever stage of the journey towards freedom you find yourself in, I’d like to offer prayer, advice or encouragement should you want it. Just go to and click the “contact us” link at the bottom of the page and let me know what’s on your mind. I read every email and will respond if you leave your email address. Even if we’ve never met, it is my desire to see you free from the chains of pornography and masturbation. I can only imagine what God will do if every brother and sister of faith would find freedom in this area. When we are free, we can expect great things. As humans, we all know what it is like to live in this world, to be tempted and to sin. But it is God’s will that we throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. It is his will that we throw off pornography. (Hebrews chapter 12, verses 1 and 2)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Throw off pornography and masturbation and allow God to show you the life you were meant to live.

Throw off Pornography (Part 16)

The following is an excerpt from, “Throw off Pornography”, the 4th book in the “Lord of My Life” series. You can download the complete book for free through Amazon Kindle, Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. You can also order the paperback version through the Amazon bookstore. Find direct links for all of these at under the store tab. Visit every week and receive weekly excerpts January through April of 2024.


First, I want to strongly encourage you not to backslide. I want you to come to the place in your mind, spirit, and heart, where failure is not an option. Remember to focus on the 90 days. No more and no less. Keep your eyes on that prize. Do not let the goal of total freedom overwhelm you. Take each day as it comes and focus on success for that day alone. Every morning pray for protection. Make sure you are wearing the armor of God and that you are prepared for battle on a daily basis. However, in every battle, even with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can choose to lose. We have been granted free will. And we can give into our flesh. Matthew, chapter 26, verse 41 warns us:

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 

Though we may want to succeed, we may not. As I mentioned earlier, there will be good days and there will be difficult days. Even with all the safeguards and preparation in place we may still choose to fall. Our flesh is exceedingly weak. And our addiction is incredibly powerful. Though I encourage you to do everything you possibly can to stand in the face of temptation, failure is always a possibility. If you find yourself in that place of failure, I encourage you to gather yourself, repent, and try again. You will have to reset the clock and start back at day 1, but with the power of the Holy Spirit you can succeed. I know it will be difficult. Restarting is the last thing you will want to hear after the crushing blow of failure. Distance from God, distance from the challenge and distance from any form of light will sound very appealing. But don’t stay there.

When we fall, it is in our nature to wallow in our failure and to dive headfirst back into our sin. Believe me, I’ve been there. When we fall, especially after weeks or months of sobriety, the power of sin is supercharged. Do not fool yourself into believing you can dip your toe back into pornography and masturbation and bounce back unscathed. Unfortunately, Satan won’t let you off that easily. Falling is not simply going back to the drawing board. It is truly one step forward, two steps back. You are not back to where you started, you are back even further than where you first began. When you first began the 90 Day Challenge you wanted to succeed. You wanted to be free. Falling after a good faith effort to succeed may cause you to want to fall even further. You may begin to think that the task is impossible, that you were a fool to even attempt it to begin with and that you were a fool to give yourself false hope. You’ll be at your most vulnerable, and Satan will take advantage. Completing the 90 Day Challenge is difficult for any porn addict. But bouncing back after a good faith effort is even more difficult. After failure it is difficult to see clearly. It is difficult to connect to the Holy Spirit. And for the most part, you won’t want to.

I know that all sounds incredibly discouraging. But I don’t want to sugar coat it. Bouncing back from failure is really hard because we are prone to push God away. But I want to encourage you, and please take this to heart, do not allow yourself to push God away. And if you do, please do not let it be for an extended period of time. We need to be connected to the vine. Remember what Jesus said in John, chapter 15, verses 4-6?

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.  

We must remain connected to the vine. It is essential. Do not use your failure as a excuse to push God away. We need him, and even more so when we are vulnerable. I know that this is easier said than done. And if you are in that place, I know this isn’t something you want to hear. But take it from someone who has been there. Distance from God is not a place you want to stay.

Throw off Pornography (Part 15)

The following is an excerpt from, “Throw off Pornography”, the 4th book in the “Lord of My Life” series. You can download the complete book for free through Amazon Kindle, Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. You can also order the paperback version through the Amazon bookstore. Find direct links for all of these at under the store tab. Visit every week and receive weekly excerpts January through April of 2024.


Remember the statistic I shared earlier? Studies have shown that it takes anywhere from 18-254 days to break a habit. The day of freedom is different for each of us. For someone that day could be day 67. For another it may be day 167. It is true that the Holy Spirit has the power to break any stronghold. He can break any addiction. If he chooses, he can do it instantaneously. If he wanted, you could be free on day 1. However, in case you have to take the longer journey, and if you have not found freedom after 90 days, do not throw in the towel. Typically, the longer you’ve been ensnared, the longer it will take before you find complete freedom. After 90 days, whether you are experiencing freedom or not, I encourage you to never let down your guard. To live in freedom is to live in recovery until you are truly able to prefer obedience. Do not allow Satan to reestablish his hold on you. Do not become spiritually lazy and let your guard down, or spiritually overconfident and think you can now handle situations that were once a problem for you. It only takes one slip, and you’re back to your vomit (Proverbs 26:11). It always takes longer to build something than to tear it down. If you aren’t careful, you can build a track record of 90 days of abstinence only to see it all fall apart in one day.


Undoubtable, after 90 days, you will feel freer than you did on day 1, especially if you’ve filled the void left from pornography with godly pursuits. Remember the skinned knee analogy? Hopefully, you will have advanced past the third “choke point”. Hopefully, you will experience a level of freedom where you no longer feel the pain of constant struggle, as God continues to bring about complete healing underneath. Like a skinned knee that is on the mend, there comes a point where we can resume life without the constant pain of struggle, but the knee isn’t completely healed. Without us knowing it, healing is taking place underneath the skin. If that is the case for you, then maybe you can exhale a bit and institute newer safeguards while not abandoning the old ones. If you’ve taken this journey alone and have struggled in silence, now is the perfect time to “go public”. If you are up to it, an accountability partner is a great way to maintain your sobriety.

After 90 days, you’ll likely feel less of the shame and condemnation that comes from the habitual sin of pornography and masturbation. You should feel brave enough to share your story with others who can help you extend the streak. It can be difficult to take the step of finding an accountability partner on day one of the 90 Day Challenge because that is when you are at your most vulnerable. If you were to backslide in front of someone you trust, it could prove devastating to your pride and self-esteem. However, after a 90 day track record you will be less prone to failure. After 90 days, an accountability partner can be a support, and not a stressor.

We are all built differently. Some of you may choose to have an accountability partner during your 90 Day Challenge. For me, I was too afraid to entertain the idea. I was afraid of failure. It is hard enough to approach God after the shame of a backslide. How much more from a human being? We know that God is quick to forgive. Scripture assures us in Psalms, chapter 103, verse 12:

as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

As I said earlier, I trust that God is quick to forgive, but I’m not so trusting of humans. We have a habit of judging each other or changing our perception of one another after a fall. So, it was difficult for me to trust anyone with such an embarrassing secret early on. But after 90 days, I proved that I was serious about my success. I’d proven to myself that my chances of failure and embarrassment were small. I was ready for an accountability partner.

The purpose behind an accountability partner is to alert someone else of your intentions to remain porn free. The simple fact that they are in on your struggle provides an additional incentive, or an additional layer of protection for continued success. You know that at any moment they may ask how things are going and that may give you all the incentive you need to stay on track. You’ll have a cheerleader, a support in your corner, praying and hoping for your success. For some this may be the perfect answer. 

However, if you want an anonymous supporter, there are apps that can help. is a website designed to help those who are looking for freedom from porn addiction. You can download the app which was created with Christians in mind. I have personally never used it, but someone I trust has. There is a recurring fee. At the writing of this book, it was $17/month. I’m sure there are other technological solutions that could help in your efforts to remain porn free. I would encourage you to explore what might be helpful for you.

Also, over the 90 days, you may have developed practices that I haven’t mentioned or may have customized a few safeguards that have helped you. Continue doing what works. Over time, I’m confident that the Holy Spirit will have washed your mind clean of the addiction. He will have rewired your brain. You will have been cleansed by his power. Even still, we should never underestimate the power of this addiction. If we failed once, there is always a chance, even if it is very small, that we could fail again. The ultimate goal is complete freedom. You will know when you’ve achieved complete freedom because you will truly prefer obedience to God. Until then, stay on guard.

Throw off Pornography (Part 14)

The following is an excerpt from, “Throw off Pornography”, the 4th book in the “Lord of My Life” series. You can download the complete book for free through Amazon Kindle, Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. You can also order the paperback version through the Amazon bookstore. Find direct links for all of these at under the store tab. Visit every week and receive weekly excerpts January through April of 2024.


When I face struggles in life, one way I encourage myself is by focusing on my heavenly future. I think about what spending eternity in the presence of God will be like. I consider what freedom from pain, addiction, sorrow, and sin will feel like. I remind myself that this life is temporary, and this place is not my home. When I think of the end goal it helps me to walk through my current challenges more easily. Heaven is our ultimate goal, but freedom from pornography is our current goal. As we take each day one step at a time, and when we struggle with pornographic thoughts and triggers, it might be helpful to consider what life will be like once we are free. What do we have to look forward to? What will be the new normal? Earlier I mentioned the song by Switchfoot which was a source of inspiration for me. The verse is, “this is your life, are you who you want to be?” Consider the question. Who do you want to be? Who does God want you to be?

In life, when considering our future career, we are encouraged to “dress for success”. We are encouraged to begin the work of physical and psychological transformation before we reach the success we are hoping for. The idea is that if we look successful on the outside, we will more easily convince ourselves and others of the person we want to be - the person we hope to be. What does it look like to dress for success spiritually speaking? Consider your porn free future. Where do you want to be, spiritually speaking, in 5 years? What will your new story be? What will the next chapter of your life look like? I encourage you to think about it. It may even help to make a list. Here are some ideas…

1. There will no longer be anything hindering your relationship with God

When you are free of porn addiction, it will no longer be a constant habitual sin hanging over your head. It will no longer be a constant wedge that separates you from a perfect relationship with God. You can approach the throne with confidence holding your head high instead of down in defeat. You will finally be in right relationship with God. Your walk will be stronger because of your obedience. Your spiritual antenna will be more attuned to the Spirit. Your worship will be more powerful and true. Your prayer life will be more effective as evidenced in James, chapter 5, the second part of verse16 which says:

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

You will know that your behavior is pleasing to the Father because you are no longer willfully sinning. You can fully be about the business of the Lord. A strong and consistent relationship with God is what every believer desires. The barrier that has held you back from that will finally be removed. Not even the sky will be the limit.

2. You will no longer be a hypocrite

When you are free, you will no longer have to hide your sin. You’ll no longer have the “do as I say, not as I do”, attitude sabotaging your Christian relationships. You will be free to concentrate on helping others without the guilt of secretly struggling with your own sin. Jesus said it best in Matthew, chapter 7, verses 4 and 5:

How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye,” when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

You will have dealt with the plank in your eye. You will no longer have to go up for prayer during difficult altar calls. You’ll be able to take communion without an ounce of shame. The weight of hypocrisy is great. Being free from it is like having a mountain lifted from our shoulders. You will have finally gotten that monkey off your back.

3. You will be able to use your story to inspire others

With the plank now removed from your eye, you will be able to see clearly enough to help others remove the speck from their eye, especially if it is the same type of speck you were struggling with. God can use your testimony to help others find freedom from pornography and masturbation. I’ve always found it difficult and lacking credibility to try and help someone overcome something that I am in the midst of dealing with. After all, if I’m not able to overcome it, why should anyone listen to me? That is why, for such a long time, I avoided talking about the sin of pornography within the materials I produced. But when God frees you from your affliction, you can now inspire others toward freedom. You can shine the light and lead the way. Paul reflected quite eloquently concerning this idea in 1 Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 1 in which he said:

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

When you are free, you now have license to quote this verse to others. Think of all the examples of those who have walked through fire and are now qualified to help others walk through it as well. Women who suffered from having an abortion can counsel women who are considering. Those who were freed from a gambling addiction can now speak into the lives of those who are struggling. Those who have gone through the prison system are the perfect candidates to talk sense into youth who are headed down the wrong path. And when you are freed from pornography, you are perfectly positioned to be used in the life of one who is currently ensnared.

4. You will be able to preserve your testimony

Our reputation is all some of us have. We’ve spent our lives building it. When we are caught in a scandal our testimony is demolished. Though God is quick to forgive, people usually aren’t. The stain of some sins can follow us our entire life. If our habitual sin is discovered, it may take some time to regain the trust of those of whom you are ministering. However, if you are able to find freedom you will avoid the judgment that comes with disgrace. You will have preserved your testimony. Hiding our sin is nothing to be proud of. But if God is able to free you from it, you should be able to put it in your rearview mirror. Your testimony is your story. It is your reputation. Freedom from pornography means that you can preserve it.

5. You will be able to find peace

True peace is heavily underrated. When we have peace, we have no worries. When you find freedom from pornography and masturbation you can finally rest. It is no longer warring in your mind. It is no longer battling for your time. You no longer hate yourself because of what you’ve become. You are free. I love the kind of peace God offers. Philippians, chapter 4, verse 7 describes it this way:

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

That is the kind of peace I want. And I know it is the kind of peace you want as well - a peace that transcends all understanding. That is the way to live, feeling as if we are in perfect harmony with the Spirit. No longer grieving him, but resting in him, allowing him to take control of all of our fear, anxiety and stress. Managing our pornographic tendencies can be stressful. Freedom = peace.

Your new normal may be more wonderful than you can imagine. But it doesn’t hurt to try and imagine the peace, freedom, confidence, and assurance that will come with it. It doesn’t hurt to imagine the improved relationships you will have with your spouse, significant other, other brothers and sisters in Christ, or your fellow mankind. Walking in step with the Holy Spirit is the goal of every Jesus follower, and it is Jesus’ desire that we would have a full and wonderful life on earth. He said in John, chapter 10, verse 10:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

What might a full life look like? Freedom from the shackles of pornography and masturbation is the first step in finding out.

Throw off Pornography (Part 13)

The following is an excerpt from, “Throw off Pornography”, the 4th book in the “Lord of My Life” series. You can download the complete book for free through Amazon Kindle, Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. You can also order the paperback version through the Amazon bookstore. Find direct links for all of these at under the store tab. Visit every week and receive weekly excerpts January through April of 2024.


Not all of us initially experimented with pornography for the same reasons. Some of us may have begun using pornography and masturbation as a coping mechanism. The supernatural pleasure of porn use can mask the pain we feel from either our past or present. Others may have been exposed to porn at a young age and over time, have become habitual users of it. In either case, if we are addicted to pornography and masturbation, the experience has become a kind of drug that physiologically affects our brain. The longer we use the more entrenched it becomes. Our brain rewires itself. Psychologically speaking, the saying, “neurons that fire together wire together”, is true. Our habitual porn use is a super stimulus that creates a neurochemical cocktail. We become addicted. And addiction is difficult to escape. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit our brain can be rewired. The Holy Spirit can reset our brain to factory settings, so to speak. He can do what we can’t.


Constant exposure to pornography and masturbation has caused us to become dependent on the pleasure response it provides. As a result, we have become enslaved by it. Our mind and our thoughts have been hijacked almost as if we are no longer controlling our desires. We have allowed the darkness of sin and thoughts of sexual immorality to hold us captive. To truly be free, we need the Holy Spirit to wash our brain with what is holy and good. We need him to rewire our brain so that we are no longer captive to our pattern of habitual sin. Do you believe he can do that? I do. We should never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans chapter 8, verse 11 says:

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

Think about that. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you and me. The same Spirit behind all the miracles Jesus and his disciples performed, the same Spirit who works in concert with the Father and Son, and the same Spirit who knows everything about us lives inside of us. Because that is true rewiring our brain sounds quite doable, does it? He is completely capable of washing our brain with his cleansing power. We can indeed be freed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Luke, chapter 1, verse 37 reminds us:

For nothing is impossible with God.

Do you believe that? Do you believe that he can rewire your brain, resetting it to factory settings? If you do, then I encourage you to pray for him to do just that. During your daily prayers, pray that he will wash your brain. Pray that he will cleanse it. Know that he will. After all, he made us. He knows the workings of his creation. He made the blueprints. He is the author of the schematics. God wants us to be free. There should be no doubt in your mind that this is his will for you. So, when you pray in this way, you are praying in agreement with the Holy Spirit. He wants us to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” It is his desire that we “throw off [our] old sinful nature and [our] former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.” (Ephesians 4:22 NLT).

So, allow the Holy Spirit to wash your brain. According to the dictionary, “Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values, and beliefs”. Instead of being brainwashed negatively, we need to be brainwashed by the Holy Spirit. We need to invite him to reduce our ability to think independently and rely on him to rewire our thinking. We need to allow him to introduce new thoughts and ideas into our minds, and to change our attitudes by refining our values and beliefs. We need a holy brainwashing. I encourage you to think about what life would be like with a cleansed, rewired brain. Think about what it would mean to have holy thinking drive your thoughts and not lustful, pornographic thinking. He is the answer. Brainwashing is a process. Though he can, it is unlikely that the Holy Spirit will rewire our brain overnight. But with a daily cleansing, our mind, and in turn our heart will change more into his likeness.

I’ve begun the habit of praying that the Holy Spirit wash my brain, that he reset my mind to right thinking. I ask it in his name. As John, chapter 14, verse 14 says:

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.  

So, I encourage you to pray, “Lord Jesus I know that you want what is best for me. I know that it is your will for me to be set free from pornography and masturbation. So, I know that I’m praying according to your will and not mine alone. You said that if I ask for anything in your name you will do it. I’m asking Lord. Please rewire my brain. Wash my mind. Cleanse my thinking by the power of your Holy Spirit and free me from the power of pornography and masturbation. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen”. Pray it. Believe it. Have faith that he will change you and keep asking until he does. God is our good Father. He wants what is best for us. He does not want us to be shackled with pornography. And he can free us. After all, Romans chapter 12, verse 2 reminds us:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Let the Holy Spirit renew our mind. Only then can we test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.