Don't Leave Naked
You know, I’ve been guilty of it myself. Sometimes I get up in the morning and immediately go through my routine without thinking. I take a shower, watch the news, brush my teeth, and have some breakfast. And if I’m focused, I might pray for a few things that are on my heart, including the day ahead, which is a good thing. But as I’m in the process of putting on my earthly corporal clothing I don’t always stop to ask God to dress me. Ephesians talks about wearing armor. Paul calls it the “full armor of God”. There’s a belt and breastplate, helmet and shoes, sword and shield; everything we need to be protected during the day and even one tool for going on the offensive if we need to. Ephesians 6:13 says:
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”
I don’t forget to take my vitamins in the morning which help protect my immune system. I don’t forget to put on my seatbelt when I drive to protect me should I get in an accident. Then why do I, and many other believers, forget to dress in spiritual clothes before we leave the house? Paul warns us to put on the full armor of God, not missing one piece. He says that we should do it so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. The Bible reminds us that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. Just like if we don’t password protect our phones or important data it is more vulnerable to thieves, if we don’t protect ourselves by putting on the armor of God we are more susceptible to the schemes of the devil. So, I encourage you not to leave the house naked. Pray to God to dress you in the full armor of God so that you’re protected. The full armor of God; don’t leave home without it.
We need to put on the full armor of God every day. It may seem silly to literally ask God to dress us with armor, but when we do, somehow our minds and our spirit are automatically on guard. I used to visualize, in my mind’s eye, a knight in shining armor. When things were well with my spiritual walk, the knight was standing strong with armor polished and ready for battle. But when I fell, or was struggling, the knight would appear exhausted and beaten down with dented armor. But what I’ve learned over the years is that dented armor is better than no armor. When we are aware of the devil’s schemes, and have prepared ourselves with the elements of armor that Paul highlights, I believe that we can, and with the help of the spirit will, stand in the face of the devil. So again, I encourage you not to leave naked. Read Ephesians and learn about each element of armor, understanding that each piece has a role in our standing, fighting and ultimately winning spiritual battles.