About the Project
Status: Completed (2005, 2007)
Project History
Back in the late 1990s, I had conceived of a 9-part dramatic anthology series that I called, "The Shun Series". It was a supernatural themed series focusing on the power of the Holy Spirit and the spirit world. I wrote a couple of episodes, but the project never went into production. Then I spoke with a good friend of mine who I'd done a lot of work with on other projects, and he pitched a science fiction anthology series that he called, "Chronicles". He is an accomplished fiction writer and had several short stories that he hoped I'd produce. We agreed that for every one of his episodes, I'd produce one that I'd written. In 2005, we produced "Three Hours" written by Rick Chambers and "Surgeon", written by me, David Evans. "Surgeon" was an adaptation of one of my scripts for "The Shun Series". I liked the concept of the lead character so much that before producing this, I used the name "Surgeon" for myself while hosting, "Christian Music Videos". It took a year to create both episodes from start to finish, after which we screened the episodes to a live audience. It went over very well. So well, in fact, that we produced 2 more episodes in 2007; "Flash of Life" and "New Vision". After we finished those, we screened them as well. Since this was an anthology series, featuring a new cast for each episode, our pool of actors dried up quickly. Instead of hunting down new talent or recycling ones we'd already used, I decided to wrap the series with 4 episodes.
This series was designed to reach unbelievers who might enjoy "Twilight Zone" type shows. At the time of this writing, these were the last videos that we screened in a "theatre" setting open to the community. The hope was that believers would invite their friends to the event and God would use it to touch lives. Secondly, we wanted to air it on television. However, with the inconsistent lengths and the limited number of episodes, we were only able to air it on a few community access stations and online venues. I continue to hope that God will use these videos as tools to reach believers and unbelievers alike with the gospel.