Is Prosperity Preaching Twisting the Gospel?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: For as long as I can remember, I’ve been told that “prosperity preaching” is wrong; that it goes against the word of God and that it is, in essence, a sinful way of thinking. But is that true? In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity,” Jerry and I will explore the question, “is prosperity preaching twisting the Bible?” We’ll talk about what we mean when we use the term “prosperity preaching”, we’ll examine if there is biblical support for some forms of prosperity preaching, we’ll discuss the dangers of the prosperity gospel, and we’ll see what the Bible says about God’s obligation or desire to prosper us. If you’ve ever questioned whether prosperity preaching twists the Bible, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity.”

HardKore Christianity
Is Prosperity Preaching Twisting the Bible?
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How Important is Being Baptized?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: Every Christian church periodically holds a water baptism ceremony. But why? What is it? And how important is being baptized? In today’s episode of “HardKore Christianity,” Jerry and I will attempt to answer these questions and more. We’ll attempt to define what the Bible means when it mentions baptism, we’ll discuss the benefits of being baptized, we’ll talk about what the Bible says in regards to the importance of being baptized, and we’ll examine what all of this says about our God. If you’ve ever questioned the importance, and the reasoning, behind water baptism, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity.”

HardKore Christianity
How Important is Being Baptized?
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Does God Speak To Us?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: Have you ever had anyone tell you that God told them to do something? I have. But what do they really mean? Did God literally speak to them, or are they just attributing their inner conscience to the voice of God? In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and I will attempt to answer the question, “does God speak to us?” We’ll examine statistics concerning what Americans think about God speaking to us, we’ll try to break down what we mean when someone says God spoke to them, we’ll try to determine how we can know that it is God speaking and not something else, and we’ll take a look at what the Bible says about God speaking to us. If you’ve ever wondered if, and how, God speaks to us today, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Does God Speak To Us?
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Is Using Filthy Language Sinful?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: The Bible teaches us that the words we choose when we speak matter. They can be used to build up and they can be used to tear down. They can be used to hurt and they can be used to heal. But, what about filthy language? If you watch certain television shows, listen to certain music, or frequent certain circles, hearing swear words is unavoidable. But is it a sin if Christians choose to use curse words? In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and I will attempt to answer the question, “is using filthy language sinful?”. We’ll discuss what Americans and Christians think about using foul language, we’ll examine if there are certain circumstances where the use of filthy language is acceptable, and we’ll discuss what the Bible says regarding the use of filthy language. If you’ve ever wondered if it is biblically sinful to speak curse words or to use foul, or filthy language, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is Using Filthy Language Sinful?
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Is The Spirit Realm Real?

Hosts: David Evans and Kaitlin Feddema
Description: Have you given any thought to the spirit realm? Do you believe that a spirit realm exists? What is the spirit realm? Is it something that Christians should be aware of? In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Kaitlin and I will attempt to answer the question, “Is the spirit realm real?” using the Bible as our guide. We’ll share our personal thoughts on the validity of the spirit realm, we’ll examine if, and how, the spirit realm affects our physical world, we’ll discuss whether it is important for believers to know about the spirit realm, and we’ll explore what the Bible says about the spirit realm. If you’ve ever wondered if there is an invisible world that God operates within to affect our physical world, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is The Spirit Realm Real?
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What Does The Bible Say About Racism?

Hosts: David Evans and Kaitlin Feddema
Description: In America, racial tensions and divisions, as well as an attempt for racial healing and reconciliation, has been present within the DNA of American society for decades and centuries. Many wonder if we will ever see true racial equity and reconciliation, and some question whether it should be a fight championed by Christians or if it should be left for politicians and social movements to address. But for the most part, Americans view it as an issue that needs to be addressed and healed. In this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Kaitlin and I will attempt to answer the question, “what does the Bible say about racism?” We’ll explore statistics highlighting the inequity between ethnic groups,  we’ll take a closer look at the “black lives matter” organization and movement, we’ll discuss whether Christians should play a role in racial healing, and we’ll discover what the Bible says about racism. If you’ve ever wondered how the Bible and our Christian faith fit into the racial dilemma we face in America, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
What Does The Bible Say About Racism?
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Is Heaven a Real Place?

Hosts: David Evans and Justin Harter
Description: When you think of heaven, what comes to your mind? Do you think of an existence that is exciting or boring? Will we have bodies or will we be spirits? Is heaven an actual place or is it a state of mind? Many Americans, whether they are Christians or not, may have differing views of what heaven is and what it will be like. But the Bible does give us a few answers. In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Justin and I attempt to answer the question, “Is Heaven a real place?” using the Bible as our guide. We’ll try to define what “heaven” is and isn’t, we’ll explore whether we will go to heaven immediately after death or will wait to rise from the dead until after the second coming of Jesus, and we will discuss what the Bible says about heaven. If you’ve ever questioned the reality of heaven or pondered details about heaven, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is Heaven a Real Place?
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Should Christians engage in political and social issues?

Hosts: David Evans and Justin Harter
Description: As believers, we are called to be in the world but not of the world. But does that mean that we are to distance ourselves from the political and social issues of the world? Or is it our responsibility to engage in these issues in an effort to affect change for the cause of Christ? In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Justin and I will attempt to answer the question, “should Christians engage in political and social issues?” We’ll examine statistics highlighting the state of American opinions on polarizing issues, we’ll discuss whether current efforts to affect political and social change are effective, and we’ll explore whether the Bible encourages us to engage in social and political issues or if our level of engagement should be to step aside and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work. If you’ve ever been on the fence as to whether Christians should engage in political and social issues, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Should Christians engage in political and social issues?
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Why Are Churches in America so Racially Divided?

Hosts: David Evans and Kaitlin Feddema
Description: Why are churches in America so racially segregated? Almost no place in our culture can we see the racial divide so clear with no real pressure from society to divide by ethnic identity. We often identify these churches as black churches, white churches or hispanic churches because they are made up predominantly of one ethnicity. But is this what God intended? Is it wrong for the church to self-segregate? In todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Kaitlin and I will attempt to answer the question, “Why are churches in America so racially divided?” We’ll explore statistics concerning the racial make up American churches, we’ll discuss what we think could be done to bridge the gap and change the paradigm, we’ll take a look at whether the Bible addresses the topic of racial divisions within the church, and we’ll discuss how racism factors in the whole discussion. If you’ve ever wondered why churches in America are so racially divided, you’ll want to listen to this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Why Are Churches in America so Racially Divided?
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Is Abortion Murder?

Hosts: David Evans and Kaitlin Feddema
Description: The abortion debate has been a hotbed topic ever since roe v wade. And in recent years, political disagreements on the subject have divided the nation. To many, the question of whether abortion is essentially murder is elusive. But in this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Kaitlin and I will attempt to provide answers from a biblical point of view. We’ll explore statistics concerning the state of abortion in America, we’ll try to determine if there is ever a biblically permissible reason to have an abortion, we’ll take a look at whether the Bible shows us how we are to address abortion, and we’ll discuss how to approach a believer who is considering having an abortion using the Bible as our guide. If you’ve ever wondered whether abortion is equal to the sin of murder, you’ll want to take a listen to this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is Abortion Murder?
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Are There Any Spiritual Benefits To The Coronavirus?

Hosts: David Evans
Description: For the past few weeks the Coronavirus seems to be the only topic on everyone’s mind. It dominates the news, is altering our lives, and is threatening our future. But is there a silver lining? Is there anything spiritually beneficial that can come out of all this? In this special episode of “HardKore Christianity”, I will attempt to answer the question, “Are there any spiritual benefits to the Coronavirus?” by offering 6 possibilities. If you’re struggling to see the positive in these dark times, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Are There Any Spiritual Benefits To The Coronavirus?
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What Does The Bible Say About Substance Abuse?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about substance abuse? We all know that substance abuse and addiction is a vice common to mankind. But you may be surprised how common. And what is common to man is often evident in the church and present in the lives of believers because the church is made up of mankind. In this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and I attempt to answer the question, “What does the Bible say about substance abuse?” We’ll explore statistics concerning substance abuse in America, we’ll discuss if there are substances that can be abused but are not considered sinful, we’ll take a look at what the Bible says about substance abuse, and we’ll discuss how believers should address and think about the topic of substance abuse using the Bible as our guide. If you’ve ever wondered what the Bible says about substance abuse, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
What Does The Bible Say About Substance Abuse?
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How Do You Know For Sure That You Are Saved?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: You may be surprised to learn that there are several believers today that are not completely sure if they are saved. They are not completely certain that when they die they will be in heaven. You may even be one of those people. Well, in todays episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and I will attempt to answer the question, “How do you know for sure that you are saved?” We’ll discuss why there may be confusion among believers about the state of their salvation, we’ll explore how the Bible says we are to be saved, we’ll address any who are unsure about their salvation, and we’ll talk about how we would go about leading someone to Christ in a way that puts this question to rest. If you’ve ever been in doubt as to whether you are truly saved, if you have questions about how to lead someone to Christ, or if you just want to dispel all of the confusing terminology and theology, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
How Do You Know For Sure That You Are Saved?
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How Important Is Doing Ministry Work?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: It is so easy for us to get caught up in the rat race of life, to focus on our own existence and our own desires, and to place all of our efforts on taking care of our families and those we love. But what about the biblical mandate of being Jesus’ hands and feet here on earth? What about the call to do unto others what we would have them do unto us, or as Paul says - to treat others as better than ourselves? In this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and will I attempt to answer the question, “How important is doing ministry work?” We’ll explore statistics examining how many believers spend time doing kingdom work, we’ll examine the benefits or repercussions of engaging or not engaging in ministry work, and we’ll take a look at what the Bible says about our mandate, or lack thereof, to engage in some form of ministry. If you’ve ever wondered how important it is for believers to engage in some form of ministry, I would encourage you to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
How Important Is Doing Ministry Work?
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What Does It Mean To Sin?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: What does it mean to sin? On the surface, this question seems quite elementary. Sin is a concept understood by most believers as an act that God doesn’t want us to do; something that if we do, and if we confess and repent, the blood of Jesus covers it so that we will not be sent to hell. But what exactly is sin? Are there some things that we do that God doesn’t like but wouldn’t, by themselves, send us to hell if not for the blood of Jesus? In this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and I explore the question, “What does it mean to sin?” We’ll try to define what God considers “sin”, we’ll try to examine what believers in America consider to be “sin”, and we’ll discuss how important it is whether those two definitions align. We’ll talk about how the Bible define’s sin, we’ll examine some of the repercussions of sin, and we’ll try to determine what this all says about our God. If you’ve ever wondered if some disobedient acts are considered sin and others are just considered bad behavior, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
What Does It Mean To Sin?
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How Can God Be Three Persons in One?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: The concept of the Trinity can be perplexing even to the most mature believer. Questions like, “What exactly is the Trinity?”, “How can God be three people at once?”, “ Which one should I pray to?” and “What role does each of the three play?” are common questions that arise when considering the Trinity. So, in this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Jerry and will I attempt to answer the question, “How Can God Be Three Persons in One?” We’ll try to understand why the concept of a triune God is so difficult to grasp, we’ll explore what the Bible says about the Trinity, and we’ll explore the roles of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. If you are struggling to understand how 3 can equal 1, I encourage you to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
How Can God Be Three Persons in One?
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Is Divorce Sin?

Hosts: David Evans and Jerry Jacques
Description: Divorce is not a topic discussed in many American churches. It is almost as if it is an issue we inherently ignore or a problem we don’t know how to address. Why is that, and what does God think about divorce? In this episode of “HardKore Christianity” Jerry and I attempt to answer the question, “Is Divorce Sin?”. We’ll explore statistics concerning the state of divorce in our country, we’ll examine whether there is ever a good reason to divorce, we’ll take a look at what the Bible says about divorce, and we’ll address how believers should approach the issue of divorce and those who have been divorced. If you’ve questioned whether the Bible considers divorce a sin, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is Divorce Sin?
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How Should Christians Engage Politics?

Hosts: David Evans and Justin Harter
Description: The political landscape in America has created a major divide within our country and continues to dominate the headlines. Some people take a keen interest in politics, while others ignore it as much as they can. But should Christians engage politics? And if so, how should Christians engage politics? In this episode of “HardKore Christianity”, Justin and I attempt to answer that question. We’ll explore statistics highlighting the voting climate in America, we’ll talk about what the Bible says concerning politics and leadership, and we’ll explore whether believers should pay a role in the game of politics. If you’ve ever questioned how or whether Christians should engage politics, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
How Should Christians Engage Politics?
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Is Witchcraft Evil?

Hosts: David Evans and Justin Harter
Description: Have you ever given thought to the spirit world? If you have you might understand that demons and angels operate in this unseen space. And the practice of witchcraft taps into this world offering supernatural favors and abilities. But is witchcraft evil? In this episode of “HardKore Christianity” Justin and I explore that question. We’ll take a look at the many forms of witchcraft, we’ll discuss how to combat witchcraft, we’ll take a look at what the Bible says about witchcraft, and we’ll even address whether spells and demons are even real. If you’ve ever had questions about the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms, you’ll want to check out this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is Witchcraft Evil?
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Is Tithing Mandatory?

Hosts: David Evans and Justin Harter
Description: The act of putting money into the offering basket at church is part of the weekly routine of almost every congregation. We refer to this practice as “tithing”. Some Christians participate and others choose not to. But today, Justin and I explore the question, “Is Tithing Mandatory?”. We’ll explore statistics that shed a light on the tithing practices of Americans, we’ll discuss if tithing is actually 10% of our income, and we’ll see what the Bible has to say about the practice of tithing. If you’ve ever questioned whether God considers tithing to be mandatory, you’ll want to stick around for this episode of “HardKore Christianity”.

HardKore Christianity
Is Tithing Mandatory?
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